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University of Nipissing Scholarship. Archived from

Nipissing University Entrance ScholarshipNipissing University

Stiller Prize from

The Stiller Centre Commercialization AwardThe Stiller Centre for Technology Commercialization

Ministry of the Environment Special Award

Environmental Innovator AwardMinistry of the Environment

Western Fair Special Award

Western Fair AwardWestern Fair Association

Home Page — Deadline for entries
Deadline for Student Entries
11:59 pm on Wednesday 21 March 2012

Home Page: Countdown Timer for 2012

Judging Assignments

  1. What is my Judging Team?
  2. What Projects Am I Judging?
  3. Project Summaries.

OES Award

* OES Scientific American AwardOES

Purdue Pharma Award

Purdue Pharma Canada Award In Health Sciences Purdue Pharma Canada

Western Fair Award

Western Fair Award The Western Fair District