Nipissing University

Nipissing University

Sponsor Nipissing University’s Faculty of Arts and Science
Award $1,000 admission award
Number of Awards One
Criteria Nipissing University’s Faculty of Arts and Science will offer a $1,000 admission award to the senior project that is considered to be the most deserving by their Ontario regional science fair organization. The award is intended to encourage students to pursue a university degree in Science.
Conditions In the case of a two-student project, each student will receive a $500 admission award. This award will be applied to the tuition fees when the student, or students, register in an undergraduate program in the Faculty of Arts and Science at Nipissing University.
Other Information The Science Fair will announce the award at the Science Fair ceremony on behalf of the University of Nipissing. The winning students must complete and return our Notification of Recipient form. This form must indicate the students name, address, project title, high school, grade, name of regional chair and signature. A two student project will only use one Notification form (there are two Name and Address fields). Nipissing University’s Student Award Coordinator will send the winning student a certificate of their award. The student will present this certificate to Nipissing University upon registration to redeem their $1000 or $500 award. Contact Kayley Gravelle if you have any questions.