Results 2018

498 teams

34 Schools

960 Students

Grade Nine Events
Astronomy Triathlon Richmond Hill A Victoria Park Banting
Chemical Capers Victoria Park Westminster Bluevale
Circuitous Circuits Montcalm Richmond Hill B W.L. Mackenzie
Ecology Jeopardy Richmond Hill A Cardinal Carter Victoria Park
Grade Ten Events
INDYcator 500 Mother Teresa Montcalm St. Benedict
Metric Madness Victoria Park Guelph CVI Richmond Hill
Models of Mitosis Richmond Hill St. Joseph's Cardinal Newman
Star Wars Montcalm Mother Teresa Cardinal Newman
Senior Events
And This Little Pig Victoria Park Richmond Hill Catholic Central
Compound Boggle Victoria Park A Centennial Mother Teresa
Dante's Peek Montcalm Catholic Central Laurier
Displacement Dragster St Mary's Saunders Victoria Park
Fermi Questions Centrall Richmond Hill B Listowel
Function Deduction Catholic Central Richmond Hill A Central
Heavy Engineering Cardinal Newman Listowel Cardinal Carter
ICUE Victoria Park Saunders Holy Trinity
Lightening Calculators Centennial Catholic Central B Victoria Park
London Bridge W.L. Mckenzie St. Joseph's Victoria Park
Mystery Solutions Clarke Rd Westminster North Park
Robots Goderich A St Benedict W.L. Mackenzie B
Rube Goldberg Machine Medway B Medway A Victoria Park
Taxonomy Spelling Bee Central Resurrection Laurier
Individual Events
Cup Stacking 3-6-3 Paolo Leon
Cardinal Newman
Allie Suarez
St. Benedict
Caitlyn Kilpatrick
Holy Trinity
Cup Stacking Cycle Paolo Leon
Cardinal Newman
Mya Talan
St Joseph's
Allie Suarez
St. Benedict
Cup Stacking Pairs Andy & Sarah
Victoria Park
Allie and Paige
St Benedict
Lydia and Rob
Rubick's Cube Mathieu Preston
St Benedict
Brendon Goddar
Dennis Tran
St Benedict
Teacher Event Catholic Central Banting Our Lady of Lourdes