Charles Yin

Charles Yin

Charles Yin
Induction and detection of chemotatic protein S100A8 in RAW 264.7 cells
A.B. Lucas S.S.

This study was performed to establish an in vitro basis for examining the effects of the chemokine S100A8 in cystic fibrosis lung disease. S100A8 expression was induced in RAW 264.7 macrophage using LPS. Western blotting and qRT-PCR were performed to detect S100A8 expression. Results show a clear upregulation of S100A8 on the genomic and proteomic levels and thus establishes a basis for further study.

Award Value
Bronze Medal – Health Sciences
Sponsor: Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Western University Scholarship
Bronze Medallist – $1000 Entrance Scholarship
Sponsor: Western University
The Canadian Society for the Weizmann Institute of Science Scholarships
Joseph W. and Joel Anthony Leon Kerbel Scholarship
Sponsor: The Canadian Society for the Weizmann Institute of Science (Weizmann Canada).
University of Ottawa Entrance Scholarship
Senior Bronze Medallist – $1000 Entrance Scholarship
Sponsor: University of Ottawa