Danila Alferov

Danila Alferov

Danila Alferov
Binocular Rivalry Polygraph
Stoneybrook P.S.

Binocular rivalry occurs when each eye sees a different image. During rivalry, one image is seen for a few moments then the brain switches to the other image. Is it possible to measure the process of binocular rivalry? Can certain image attributes such as, colour, size, detail, and position, influence binocular rivalry? Using my Binocular Rivalry Polygraph (BRP) model, I intended to test these questions.

Award Value
Excellence Award – Junior
Silver Medal
Sponsor: Youth Science Canada
Western University Scholarship
SIlver Medallist – 2000 Entrance Scholarship
Sponsor: Western University


My name is Danila Alferov. I am a Grade 8 student in Stoneybrook Public School, London, Ontario, Canada. I am very interested in science, mathematics and sports. I participate in many clubs and enjoy enrolling in volunteer activities that help my school. I am fluent in two languages English and Russian. Last year, I participated at the Canada Wide Science Fair 2010 and won a silver medal for my project “From 3D to UBP Unidentified Brain Power”.