The WISE program at Western University allows Grade 11 and 12 students to take a university course for free while they are still in high school.
Students must have a strong average each year in high school, have completed 22 credits and be a full time student to be eligible. Students can choose which course they would like to take provided they have the prerequisites.
They are able to enroll in a day, evening or distance studies course.
Applications will be available May 1 and are due by June 30. Please visit www.wise.uwo.ca for more information and to apply.
“I just had my last class yesterday and I wanted to thank you so much for introducing me to the WISE program. It was a great preparation for University and I’m much more confident about next year’s courses and how to manage them. It was a lot of work, but it was also very interesting and I’m positive it will benefit my University experience. The future doesn’t seem quite so scary anymore.” – Hannah Badcock, Banting Secondary School Student, WISE participant 2011/12