ISEF Old version Do Not Use

Intel International Science & Enginering Fair Old Version Do Not Use

This is a separate competition from the Regional Science Fair. Details can be found at the Youth Science Canada Team Canada web site. 18 students are selected from all of Canada to form Team Canada – ISEF.

2013 Phoenix, Arizona

Dan Alferov Jessie MacAlpine Young Zhou
Dan Alferov Jessie MacAlpine Young Zhou
Neural Correlates of Visual Awareness during Perceptual Organization
Third Award of $1,000, Behavioral and Social Sciences
Mustard Oil as an Apicomplexan-targeting Drug Therapy for Plasmodium falciparum
Intel ISEF Best of Category Award of $5,000, Medicine and Health Sciences
First Place Award of $3000
ASU Rob and Melani Walton Sustainability Solutions Initiatives First Award of $7500
Effect of Ginseng on β-Amyloid in Alzheimer’s Disease

2012 Pittsburgh

Adam Sawan
Adam Sawan
A Geochemical and Geomicrobiological Examination of the Red Sea – Dead Sea Canal
Intel ISEF Best of Category Award of $5,000, Earth & Planetary Sciences
First Place Award $3000
American Geosciences Institute First Award of $1000

2011 Los Angeles

Grace Wang
Grace Wang
Modulation of ERK5 in Inhibiting Breast Cancer Cell Migration and Invasion
Fourth Award of $500, Medicine and Health Sciences

2009 Reno Nevada

Ratna Varma
Ratna Vama
Comparing Survival of PUMA-deficient & Wildtype MSCs to Apoptotic Stimuli
for Augmented Regeneration
Second Award of $1,500, Medicine and Health Sciences

2008 Atlanta, Georgia

Carlie Scalesse Nikhita Singh Chen Sun
Carlie Scalesse Nikhita Singh Chen Sun
Catch Me If You Can: A Robotic Simulation of Predator-Prey Co-Evolution
Intel ISEF Best of Category Award of $5,000, Animal Sciences
First Award of $3,000

How Inflammation Keeps Us Alive: The Superantigen Paradox
Third Award of $1,000, Cellular & Molecular Biology
RpoN Regulon in the Virulence of a Cystic Fibrosis (CF) Pathogen
Second Award of $1,500, Microbiology
Fifth Award $250 American Society for Microbiology

2007 Albuquerque New Mexico

Nikhita Singh David Wang
Nikhita Singh David Wang
Environmentally Friendly Delivery System for Pesticides Bioproduction of a pleiotropic regulatory cytokine against human autoimmune diseases

2006 Indianapolis Indiana

David Wang
David Wang
Production of Interleukin-13 (IL-13) in Transgenic Plants for Immunotherapy of Type 1 Diabetes
First Award of $3,000, Botany
Honorable Mention Award, Endocrine Society

2004 Portland Oregon

Pencilla Lang
Pencilla Lang
Optical Tactile Sensors for Medical Palpation
Third Award of $1,000, Engineering
Second Award of $500, Eastman Kodak Company
An educational award of $5,000, IEEE – Oregon and Seattle Sections