Tips to ensure the exhibitors and you have a successful judging experience.
- Introduce yourself – where do you come from, what do you do. Ask the students likewise.
- Ask them what grade they are in. You might be surprised.
- Ask questions in an upbeat and positive manner, remembering that these are elementary and high school projects, not MSc or PhD candidates.
- The interview must last for 15 minutes. The students have worked very hard, and even the weakest exhibit is entitled to a full and rewarding interview.
- Finish by telling the students how much you have enjoyed your time with them, and find two things about their presentation to praise.
- Leave five minutes to fill in the Judge’s Marking Sheet.
- Do not comment in any public area on any exhibit where an exhibitor or delegate can hear you. The competition is intense, and rumours abound.
- If you find an exhibit that you are unqualified to judge, or in which you have a conflict of interest, please inform your Category & Division Chief immediately.