Katie Buchel
Wonderous World of Angular Velocity: Diving Edition
London Central Secondary School
In diving, pike is always classified as the slower position to rotate in, but why exactly is that? Why is it always classified as harder, when I know people who rotate better in pike? That’s what I wanted to know. So, I gathered two of my fellow divers, filmed them doing specific dives in both the tuck and pike positions, found their changes in rotation and time for that dive, and calculated and compared angular velocity scores. What I found was that the position depends on the diver at hand; it’s personalized! One diver rotated faster in tuck, and the other in pike. And, while not groundbreaking, it’s important to me because I’m passionate about physics and diving and it shows how all athletes are different.
Excellence Award – Intermediate Bronze Medal
Sponsor: Youth Science Canada
Western University Entrance Scholarship