Feedback Forms
An important part of judging is writing good feedback forms. Both the students and their parents take the advice given very seriously, so we are obligated to ensure that these are of high quality.
Elements of good feedback forms are:
- The tone is positive and upbeat.
- They are written in sentences, not bullet points.
- There are always two aspects that are praised.
- There are gentle suggestions for improvements or additions.
- It is written as if you are having a conversation with the student.
- It is written in the first person, not the third, e.g. Your presentation was sparkling. rather than This student presented her work in a sparkling manner.
Example 1.
A good feedback form
This was an interesting and well structured project. You did a good job of controlling the variables to the best of your abilities and to closely match the human body. You were enthusiastic and knowledgeable. You made us change what we were going to buy.
Test more than just one sample. Repeat the study. Consider using a notebook to record your results. Consider how you might measure the acidity of the solution to mimic the pH of the stomach acid, for example with a pH meter.
Example 2
A weak feedback form
- Excellent knowledge of the area
- Very well explained
- Very professional presentation
- Answers to questions were excellent
Keep on in the scientific field
Comment: These are supportive statements, and the judge really liked the project, but they are non-specific. We cannot deduce anything about the project. Is it in biology or mathematics?
Example 3
- Nicely laid out, colourful presentation
- Interesting subject matter
- Very cool demonstration
- Good communication
Was a little hard to hear. You really should speak up and with a little more authority.
Comment: The Suggestion needs help. Perhaps it could be written: You might practise presenting just a little more loudly, because I found it difficult to hear in the noisy gymnasium.
The comment implies that this presenter needs more self-confidence. While this may be correct, it is a subtle and long term task to increase the self confidence of a young student, and the comment provided may reduce self-esteem, rather than increase it.