The Magic of Mustard
“The Magic of Mustard”, tests to see if Brassica juncea (indian mustard plants) could apply their phytoremediation properties to desalination. This project showed that hyperaccumulator plants such as Brassica juncea, would be able to go through the desalination process, and in a more environmentally friendly way then out current methods.
Excellence Award – Junior Silver Medal
Hannah Vanderzwet is a Grade 8 student at Orchard Park Public School, in London Ontario. She plays soccer, runs, dances, plays piano and swims. In past academic achievement, she has won a National Writing contest and has participated in science competitions with her school. Interested in environmental sciences, Hannah found inspiration for her project when learning about the many issues with our current desalination methods. In the future she is interested in further researching with her project in order to truly see the capabilities of Brassica juncea plants. For further projects simply look around and think of problems going on in our day to day world.