Pictures from the 2000 Fair
Ram Naidu is going to the Canada Wide Science Fair Leila Nattagh and Erin Leppard from St. Georges linking math and music Amber Harwood from Jack Chambers School Ryan Abrams and Bryan Blackmore won a third prize "Collecting Sound"
Eystathios Tsaras is going to the Canada Wide Science Fair Janet Wan, a "People's Choice" winner Ranjit Singarayer and his "Blossoming Blooms" are going to the CWSF Ranjit Singarayer receives his first prize from Dr. Ted Lowes
A collection of dignitaries Our Canada Wide Science Fair winners Lucas students with the Intermediate trophy The St. George contingent with the Junior trophy
Your master of ceremonies and Chief Judge Jon McGoey Canada Wide Science Fair winner Santiago Alvarez is under that hat CWSF winner Joanna Sidhu's project but where is Joanna? All over 'till next year